
  • I Am Slowing Down with Age

    Age has an unspoken way of catching up with us. It’s not something we can negotiate with or pause; it’s a force that moves forward, taking us along for the ride. As the years pile on, I find myself grappling with the reality that my pace is no longer what it used to be. I am slowing down — not just in the physical sense, but in my thoughts, my…

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  • For Those Who Are Turning 40

    Turning 40 can feel like a monumental shift, a point in life where reflection meets anticipation, and the present becomes a bridge between what was and what will be. For those standing on the edge of this milestone, there’s a certain weight of wisdom that comes along, wrapped in experiences, trials, and a deeper understanding of self. The days of our 20s and 30s, where ambition drove us like a…

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  • We are Ageing

    “We are Ageing” – a phrase that sneaks up on you like the slow onset of that lower back pain you’re pretending is just a passing twinge. But here’s the thing: we can’t deny it. We can try, sure, with creams, diets, and Instagram filters that make us look like we’ve just had a conversation with the fountain of youth. Yet, time marches on, and we’re marching (okay, maybe shuffling)…

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